SacredHeart Heron Lake
Tri-Parish Mass Intentions
You are invited to pray the rosary 1/2 hour prior to masses.
Saturday (10-19)
5:00 pm  -  Brewster
† Joe & Alice Salentiny
Sunday (10-20)
8:00 am  -  Heron Lake
† Ray Burns
10:00 am  -  Windom
For the People
Tuesday (10-22)
† No Mass
Wednesday (10-23)
9:00 am  -  Heron Lake
Living/Deceased of the Miranowski Family
Thursday (10-24)
9:00 am  -  Brewster
Living/Deceased of the Bonnell/Bauman Families
Friday (10-25)
9:30 am  -  Sogge Home
† Herb & Mavis Ratzlaff
Saturday (10-26)
5:00 pm  -  Brewster
For the People
Sunday (10-27)
8:00 am  -  Heron Lake
† Arnold, Phyllis, & Greg Appel
10:00 am  -  Windom
† Eddie Schneider
Know that our pastor includes all of us in his daily prayers and private Mass intentions.
If a Mass is cancelled, our pastor will include that scheduled Mass Intention at his private daily Mass. If you prefer it be rescheduled, please let your respective parish office know.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Mass and Faith Formation have been canceled for Sunday, January 14th. St. Francis Xavier will still be having 10 a.m. Mass in Windom on Sunday.

All Saint Day Schedule
Thursday 10/31/24 7:00 PM
Brewster (there will be no morning Mass in Brewster)
Friday 11/1/24 9:00 AM
Heron Lake
Friday 11/1/24 5:30 PM
Windom (there will be no morning Mass at the Sogge Home)
Adoration Schedule
Sunday November 3rd 11:00-12:00
Saint Francis Xavier Church Windom
Saturday November 9th 4:00-4:45
Sacred Heart Church Brewster

Mankato Area Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation
Jan 25th. St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato - To register, go to:
Weekly Words from The Rock:
It is the Most...
There is a song by Andy Williams that is one of the most well-known of Christmas songs. It is entitled “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” The song begins:
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you to be of good cheer It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Christmas and Easter mark the pivotal events in the life of our Christian faith; thus, in stating, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year has a true ring to it. On a personal front, the time we currently find ourselves in is the most wonderful time of Father Schuster’s year. I base these words on the following:
  1. Football is in full swing.
  2. Baseball is at its pinnacle.
  3. Games are being played for the Minnesota Wild.
  4. The Minnesota Timberwolves seek to make a deeper run in the playoffs. Their season begins this week.
  5. Fall harvest is well-underway.
  6. The hunting season has begun.
  7. The sports season is underway for high school athletes.
  8. Some of the best fishing can be had at this time of the year.
  9. For a priest, everything is back in full swing.
  10. The beauty of driving and admiring the leaves changing colors.
What is your favorite season? I have no difficulty if someone disagrees with my assessment. Such is what makes all of us different. When it comes to faith, a change is just around the corner. Beginning in a few days, we will turn our calendar to the month of November which marks All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Our Church year will be wrapping up and our readings will focus on end-times and end-things. Before we know it, the month of December will be upon us. Questions will be answered:
  1. Will December 1st begin with snow on the ground?
  2. Will our lakes be frozen over or will waves still be the norm?
  3. Will the Vikings be in playoff contention?
To such, we will have to wait and see. One thing is for certain. The season of Advent will be upon us, and we will be preparing ourselves for the coming of our Savior. Until then, for the months of September, October, and November you will hear Father Schuster singing, “It is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”
Blessings to you!
Father Peter Schuster
Vocation View: Whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all. Are we willing to give our life in service to our brothers and sisters? (Mark 10:35-45)
There will be Confession available 1/2hour before mass on Sundays.
FOUND: A ring has been found in the parking lot. Please call the office to claim.
No Faith Formation today, October 20th due to MEA break.
Please Pick Up a Baby Bottle and fill it with change, cash or check. Your dollars will help Catholic Charities to help our mothers and babies in our area. Please return your bottle by October 31, 2024.
October Census: The diocese always counts parishioners every Sunday in October for a census. Please try to attend your parish as much as possible in October so the numbers will reflect our true census. THANK YOU!
A Box of Joy may be the only Christmas gift a child in need receives. Please help your CCW with this project by picking up a Box of Joy from the church; fill it and return it to the rectory by October 20th. A list of gift item suggestions & instructions can be found next to the boxes in church entrance. The postage will be paid by CCW.
Sacred Heart CCW will be hosting the Southwest Area CCW meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd at 7 PM. All ladies of the church are invited!
There is an early deadline to submit items for the bulletin this week. Please have all announcements in by Tuesday October 22nd at 1:30.
OCIA, Formerly RCIA is forming a new class session. If you are an adult who is being called to be prepared and formed for initiation and entrance into the Catholic Church, please attend this OCIA session. Contact the parish office if you have any questions or wish to attend this program.
All Saint’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Friday, November 1st at 9:00 AM. There is a sign-up sheet on the back tables for Liturgical Roles for Mass. Please sign up if you are available to help.
Baby Bottle Campaign Wraps Up Next Week
Next week we will be collecting the baby bottles that have been collecting your spare change. Please remember to bring them to church/school with you and return them to the display table. If you are unable to return them next week, please leave them at the office as soon as possible. Every donation truly makes a difference in the lives of mothers and babies!
If you were unable to pick up a bottle, you can still support the campaign! Please mail your donation directly to Catholic Charities Baby Bottle Campaign, PO Box 379, Winona, MN 55987 or give online at donate and designate your donation to the Baby Bottle Campaign.
“I cannot be homeless again. I want to give my babies the life they deserve. [The Mother and Child Assistance Fund] will prevent eviction from my unit” – Catholic Charities Client
International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day Event, November 23, 2024, from 10:00-2:00 at LaCanne's Family Celebration of Life Center, Jackson. You are not alone; come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through shared experience. For questions or to register, contact
Catholic Ministries Appeal In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus compares his followers to light, saying we “are the light of the world,” unable to be hidden. No one puts a lamp under a bowl because a lamp is designed to help people see in dark places. Christ’s words and actions showed the true nature of the world around Him.
The theme for the 2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal is You are the Light of the World. Being the light means doing your best to live each day on purpose and in a way that’s pleasing to God. It means showing kindness and compassion to others and yourself. It’s about looking for opportunities to be more like Jesus, to lift others up, and to do the right thing.
Please note that all gifts will be used solely for the restricted purposes of the 2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The Appeal supports specific ministries and programs of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
Eucharistic Revival News:
Reflections On the Eucharist
Blessed Carlo Acutis (Soon to be saint) Carlo nurtured a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He loved to repeat that "the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the Eucharist.” He said, “It seems to me that many people do not really understand the value of the Holy Mass until the last consequences, because if they realized the great fortune that the Lord gave, donating himself as our food and drink in the holy host, they would go to church everyday to partake of the fruits of the sacrifice celebrated, and would renounce so many superfluous things.”
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a private weekend away from the distractions of daily life for couples in good marriages. Give your marriage this gift! The next available weekend in Windom is Feb. 14-16, 2025. Contact Miki at or 507-227-8229.To register, visit our website: choose Feb 14-16 Windom Shalom Hills Farm.
RCIA News: (now OCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, as it has been more commonly referred to, has a name change to ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS, OR OCIA, per the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The name change applies both to the process by which one enters the Church and the course/book that contains the ritual text and prayers for those steps.
In order to become a Catholic, individuals go through several rites with the final being at the Easter Vigil when they are welcomed into the Catholic Church.
If you are someone you know would like to know more, contact your parish office for more information.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester - Child Sexual Abuse Policy Information
The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona's implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Michael Gerard, at 507-361-3377, or
Anyone working or volunteering in a Catholic parish or school is a mandated reporter. Anyone who knows or has reason to believe that a minor (a person under the age of 18) or vulnerable adult is or has been abused or neglected, must report all suspected abuse or neglect to proper civil authorities/law enforcement within 24 hours of the abuse or neglect becoming known to him or her and must also follow up with a written report to civil authorities within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays. Many people working or volunteering in a Catholic parish or school, including clergy, are mandated reporters under state law.

Christmas letter from Lisa Kremer OFS of the Worthington Deanery

click here to view the PDF

Please remember to check the back page of the bulletin and support our sponsors!
Facebook Page
Please like and share our Facebook page. The page is intended to connect current parish members and members that have moved with the activities of Sacred Heart Heron Lake.
New Parishioners
We welcome you into God’s family! If you are interested in learning more about our church, or would like to join, please stop in the Parish Office.
Please notify the Parish Office of any change of address.
Marriage Preparation
Contact the priest 6 to 12 months in advance of the date of marriage to fill out the forms, to do FOCCUS Test and to attend Marriage Prep Mentoring sessions. Fr. Pratap is seeking married couples who are practicing Catholics, and have children, who would be willing to volunteer to help prepare our engaged couples for marriage. Please contact Fr. Pratap at 507‑226‑4536, or your parish office, if interested.
Baptism Preparation
Contact the parish office a month in advance to fill out the form and to attend Baptism Mentoring Sessions. All Baptisms will be celebrated during Mass.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation still available by appointment for each Parish.